Today is the official release day for Will Haunt You, which is now available in all formats wherever fine (and fiendish) books are sold. My heart is full of gratitude for the following people who helped make this twisted dream a reality. While writing might be a lonely job, nobody creates a book alone.
There is no way this book would exist without the unwavering support of my smart, funny, beautiful, wise, and loving wife, Anne, who happens to also be my first, and harshest, reader. Believe me when I say, I do not envy her this role.
I could not be luckier to have the help of the following talented and insightful beta-readers who provide immeasurable improvements to my work, Lisa Mannetti, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Curt Mueller, and Desirina Boskovich. Any weaknesses in the story are a reflection on me, not them.
Massive thanks to my kind, encouraging, and astute editor Don D’Auria, who often sees what I’m aiming for even better than myself. And to my publishing partner, Flame Tree Press, who has provided a fantastic platform for my work.
I want to give a special thanks to my friend Todd Keisling, the author-and-artist extraordinaire who created the perfect cover for Will Haunt You in a pinch, and did a brilliant job designing the art for the companion story OBSIDEO. Check out his new design company, and put his talents to work for you.
My novel was inspired by the story of a couple from my neighborhood who mysteriously disappeared after discovering a strange book in their home. Sharing this bizarre story was among the most creatively-thrilling experiences of my life, and was made possible by the following passionate promoters of horror: InkHeist, Sci-Fi & Scary, Horror DNA, Char’s Horror Corner, Zakk’s Eyes of Madness, Nightworms, Kendall Reviews, and Ginger Nuts of Horror. Follow each of their sites for a steady stream of the industry’s best offerings.
And my sincere thanks to all the early readers and reviewers who read and reviewed the advance copy of the book. It’s an odd tale, and it’s been interesting to see what different people take away from it. Thanks for being part of the story.
Will Haunt You is a work of surreal horror, like the exorcist on acid made in Alice’s Wonderland. Here’s what people have said about it so far:
“Suspenseful and terror-driven…[Kirk’s] handling of visceral horror and human drama make for an immersive tale.” -Publisher’s Weekly
“Unlike anything you’ve ever read before.” -LitReactor
“A tour-de-force of psychological suspense and terror.” -Lisa Mannetti, Bram Stoker Award winner and Shirley Jackson Award finalist, author of The Box Jumper
“A genuinely weird and powerful vision, Will Haunt You delivers on its titular boast, in spades.” -Gemma Files, author of Experimental Film
“It will sink into your bones and shake you.” -Rio Youers, author of The Forgotten Girl and Halcyon
“Psychological horror at its best.” -Stephanie M. Wytovich, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Brothel
“Positively terrifying, Kirk delivers what may be some of the best horror writing of the year.” -Michael Patrick Hicks, author of Broken Shells and Mass Hysteria
“Inventive, emotional, and harrowing…feels like something that came dripping out of a monster’s fever dream.” -High Fever Books Review
“A vivid mind-flaying descent into one man’s living nightmare.” -Todd Keisling, author of The Final Reconciliation and Ugly Little Things
“Masterful…a trippy piece of occult meta-fiction proving that love sometimes is terrifyingly difficult to attain.” -John F.D. Taff, Multi-Bram Stoker-Nominated Author of Little Black Spots and The Fearing
Now, if you’re ready for the haunt, here’s where you can order your copy. Just be warned, once you open the book, there’s no going back.
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